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 The word "coffee" comes from the Greek Kaweh, which means "strength and passion


The most well-known origin of coffee is in the sixth century A.D., when the shepherd Kaldi discovered coffee.

About the history of coffee drinking, Africa is the hometown of coffee. With the trade of African slaves, coffee began to spread all over the world.


The story goes back to around the 6th century AD, when a shepherd named Kaldi discovered that his sheep had become very noisy after eating the fruit of a wild bush. He was curious and tasted it.


After eating the fruit, he was even very excited. This is the origin of coffee. Later, local people began to try to chew the coffee beans and make coffee with water.


Later, as slaves were trafficked from Africa to Yemen and The Arabian Peninsula, coffee was brought there as well, with Yemen growing coffee in the 15th century or earlier, according to historical records.


But the Arabs banned the export of coffee seeds, and it was not until 1699 that the Dutch brought coffee to Malabar in India, which for a time became a major supplier of coffee to Europe.


By 1668, coffee had become very popular as a fashion drink in South America, and coffee was first grown in the Americas in the 1820s


When people think of the origin of coffee, they first think of Brazil in South America, because it is the largest coffee producer in the world. But the first country to grow coffee was not Brazil. It was Ethiopia in Africa. Ethiopians say coffee is their gift to the world. As early as more than 4,000 years ago, when the world did not know what coffee was, Arab businessmen in Ethiopia brought bar coffee to the Arabian Peninsula and took root in what is now Yemen, gradually cultivating excellent "Arabian coffee".

In China, Yunnan province is a place rich in coffee, Yunnan has a high coffee production. 


The origin of Yunnan coffee is relatively late. In 1892, Father Tian, a French missionary, used coffee berries to breed the first coffee tree outside the church for his own coffee drinking needs. From then on, coffee planting began in Zhukula village in Yunnan Province. Up to now, there are still 24 coffee trees growing in Zhukula township of Yunnan province, which are more than 90 years old. The two oldest people in the village, who are in their 80s, have witnessed the formation of China's oldest coffee forest


Coffee is called Kafei in China,but the coffee produced in Yunnan is called Zhukula by the local people ,(people live in village called Zhukula)means Winding mountain road .


Coffee is not a traditional drink in China. Most coffee drinkers are young people,but in Zhukula people like to drink coffee, whatever young and old. Zhukula is poor and backward, but it is a place with a strong connection to coffee. In addition to the nationwide cultivation of coffee, the villagers all have a tradition of drinking coffee: self-growing, self-grinding, self-boiling, and now all men, women and children in the village have the habit of drinking coffee

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